The following is a collection of aftercare suggestions to help you to heal your new piercing.
Everyone heals differently, some faster, some slower.
Be patient, listen to your body, follow these instructions and you and your piercing will have a long, happy life together.
If you ever have any questions or concerns please contact me, I am more than happy to help you.
What to Expect During Healing
-Bleeding and swelling is normal for a fresh piercing and can occur and reoccur for the first week or more.
-Soreness and redness is normal and can be expected if the piercing is bumped or pulled (snagged on your clothing, sleeping on it, etc)
-A white, clear, or light yellow discharge is normal while the piercing is healing. This is lymph or dead white blood cells, it is a sign that your body is healing. Do not pick at it with your fingernails or scrub at it with a cotton swab.
Saline (sodium chloride) can come in two forms: pre-made or you can make it yourself.
Pre-made saline can be found in any pharmacy and in some grocery stores. A solution of 0.9% sodium chloride without any other additives is best.
To use simply spray the piercing 2-3 times daily and blot dry with a paper towel or other disposable paper product. You can also use a cotton ball or gauze, saturate it with the saline, and use it as a compress on your piercing 2-3 times a day for 5 minutes.
To make your own saline you will need a gallon of distilled water and non-iodized sea salt. Distilled water will not have any of the additives or pollutants that are found in normal tap water. Non-iodized sea salt is a purer form of salt that does not contain extra ingredients. Do not use table salt or Epson salt.
To use sea salt on your piercing simply mix the salt and water properly (see below), pour the solution into a shot glass or Dixie© cup and soak or submerge the piercing 2-3 times a day for 5 minutes. You can also use a cotton ball or gauze, saturate it with saline, and use it as a compress on your piercing 2-3 times a day for 5 minutes. If you warm the sea salt water solution in the microwave before you use it on your piercing it will increase circulation and blood flow to the treated area and work even better.
Water to sea salt ratio:
8 ounces (1 cup) plus 1/4 teaspoon
32 ounces (1 quart) plus 1 teaspoon
128 ounces (1 gallon) plus 4 teaspoons
Helpful Hints:
-Remember to be consistent in cleaning your piercing but also to clean things that may touch your piercing: telephones, hats, scarves, pillowcases, etc.
-Avoid smoking, drinking and recreational drug use. If you can’t quit then at least try to cut back, a healthier lifestyle will help your piercing heal faster.
Do Not:
-Do not use alcohol, peroxide, anti-bacterial gels/creams, Bactine© or witch hazel. All of these products are not to be used on a puncture wound: your piercing IS a puncture wound.
-Do not move, twist, rotate or turn your jewelry while it is healing. Your body will heal and adapt to your piercing much faster if you leave it alone.
-Do not touch your piercing with unclean hands. Wash your hands before cleaning your piecing.
-Do not let anyone else touch your piercing or come in oral contact with your piercing. This includes children, pets, loved ones and curious people in general.
-Do not apply makeup, face creams or lotions to the immediate area of your piercing.
-Do not remove your jewelry to clean the piercing. If you like your piercing always have jewelry in it.
To care for your oral piercing simply rinse with the sea salt solution any time anything goes in your mouth (eat, drink etc.) For tongue piercings rinse the inside of your mouth but remember for lip piercings you must clean the inside and outside of your piercing. Follow the General Piercing Aftercare instructions.
Helpful Hints:
-Swelling is normal for a new oral piercing and is to be expected. The initial jewelry is longer than necessary to accommodate for swelling. You can downsize your jewelry for a shorter barbell or smaller ring usually after 4-6 weeks. Consult your piercer before you change the jewelry.
-Get a new toothbrush.
-Avoid heavy wet kissing and performing oral sex until the piercing is healed.
To care for your genital piercing follow the General Piercing Aftercare instructions. Genital piercings heal just as easily as any other piercing as long as you follow these guidelines and use common sense.
Helpful Hints:
-Try to abstain from intercourse or masturbation for at least the 3-4 weeks. If you are aggressive with your piercing it will stay sore for longer and take longer to heal.
-Avoid oral contact and unprotected sex while your piercing is healing. Even in a monogamous relationship other people’s body fluids can easily cause an infection.
Enlarging your piercing to accommodate larger jewelry is a gradual process that takes time and patience. Some piercings stretch faster than others but any piercing can be stretched once it is healed. It is very easy, and tempting, to go too fast.
Be careful: if you stretch too fast you’re not stretching your skin you’re tearing your skin and can create unnecessary buildup of scar tissue that will make it harder for you to stretch later. Listen to your body and take your time, just because it’s not sore doesn’t mean it’s time to stretch again.
Helpful Hints:
-Treat your stretched piercing like a fresh piercing. Do sea salt water soaks for the first week or two after stretching to help alleviate soreness and swelling.
-For earlobes it may be necessary to wait 6-8 weeks between each size to allow your body to regain elasticity.